
Highlighting Jerusalem’s Pioneering Advertising Companies: Israel’s Global Influence

With the rise of the digital era, advertising has shifted from traditional mediums to a more comprehensive digital approach. As a hub for technology and innovation, Jerusalem, Yerushalayim, Israel has seen the emergence of numerous companies revolutionizing the advertising industry. Let’s take a look at some of these game-changing companies making waves in this thriving industry.

The advertising landscape is continually evolving, and Jerusalem-based companies are at the forefront of this change, transforming how businesses connect with their customers. These companies span across various sub-industries such as mobile apps, retail, blockchain, social media, and more, signifying the diversity of the advertising industry in Jerusalem.

We have handpicked some of the most innovative companies headquartered in Jerusalem that are operating in the advertising industry. These companies epitomize the dynamic, forward-thinking nature of Jerusalem’s tech and startup scene.

Frank mobile app

Founded by Zvi Fogel, Frank mobile app is revolutionizing the advertising industry by being the first professional mobile app solely dedicated to marketing and advertising.

Rami Levy Hashikma Marketing

Pioneered by Rami Levy, this company is not just a retail chain but a marketing phenomenon that has led to drastic changes in Israel’s retail pricing landscape.


Web3m, founded by Adir Buskila and Shlomi Sharabi, harnesses the power of blockchain for advertising and marketing, fusing technology and creativity for effective campaigns.

Tok Media

Initiated by Ron Petreanu, Tok Media is reimagining the way people interact with and discuss news through the world’s first social news network.


Lead by Adi Katz and Guy Amar, geekApps leverages artificial intelligence and mobile app technology to provide smart advertising and business growth tools to small businesses.


Founded by Daniel Treisman, GuruMedia is focused on improving the online marketing experience with cutting-edge technology and personalized support.

Phonder Technologies

Founded by Ariel Katz, Phonder Technologies is a tech company that focuses on developing technology-based solutions primarily for advertisers and publishers.

Kahena Digital Marketing

Ari Nahmani founded Kahena Digital Marketing, a digital marketing agency focusing on sustainable search engine marketing, online advertising, and e-commerce optimization.


WebConcepts, a firm specializing in innovative web design, web development, and advertising, is contributing to shaping the digital landscape of Jerusalem.


Established by Meir Samson and Racheli Arieli, VI is a social platform that enables the creation of customer reviews to create more personalized online experiences.


Founded by Dan Siboni and Shosi Rushnevsky, Chiprix provides creative big data solutions for near-field communication (NFC), facilitating improved customer in-store experiences and providing actionable analytics for businesses.

The diversity, innovation, and technological prowess of these Jerusalem-based advertising companies are indicative of the direction in which the advertising industry is heading. Through their efforts, these organizations are not only contributing to Jerusalem’s economy but also molding the future of advertising globally.

Written by Mark Smith

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